What is a Portfolio?
- Samples of work from the major subjects studied (samples from the beginning, middle and end of the year to show sustained progress is typically expected)
- A Log consisting of reading materials used made contemporaneously with instruction.
- Test results for your third, fifth or eighth grader.
- Your evaluator is required to verifying that testing has been completed, the score of your testing should not have any impact on your evaluation.
- Verification that you have completed 180 days or have completed 900 hours of instruction per year at the elementary level, or 990 hours per year at the secondary level. Not all evaluators require that all 180 days or hours are completed before your evaluation, however they must be achievable by June 30th. You should discuss with your evaluator how they want to verify this requirement.
From the PA Homeschool Law:
(e) In order to demonstrate that appropriate education is occurring, the supervisor of the home education program shall provide and maintain on file the following documentation for each student enrolled in the home education program:
(1) A portfolio of records and materials. The portfolio shall consist of a log, made contemporaneously with the instruction, which designates by title the reading materials used, samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks or creative materials used or developed by the student and in grades three, five and eight results of nationally normed standardized achievement tests in reading/language arts and mathematics or the results of Statewide tests administered in these grade levels. The department shall establish a list, with a minimum of five tests, of nationally normed standardized tests from which the supervisor of the home education program shall select a test to be administered if the supervisor does not choose the Statewide tests. At the discretion of the supervisor, the portfolio may include the results of nationally normed standardized achievement tests for other subject areas or grade levels. The supervisor shall ensure that the nationally normed standardized tests or the Statewide tests shall not be administered by the child’s parent or guardian.